CHARACTER DESIGN — ‘Jewel of the Dragon Sea, Princess Envy’.
My beloved Envy was an exercise in character design. An opulent princess from a far off land, in the setting she was designed for I had free reign in how she looked and behaved. She belongs within the Forgotten Realms Universe, and she bears the horns and hooves of a ‘tiefling’- a race of magical beings that stem from devils. The source material states that tieflings can be any colour, and I’d been wanting to create a green themed character for sometime. A play on the phrase “green with envy”, she came to be.
I wanted her to have a simple colour scheme so her clothes didn’t distract from her face, horns and hair. I went with black, grey and gold. They are colours that always work well together, but in my research into character design I found that black represents elegance, mystery and- most importantly, evil. Her clothing at first glance is revealing, but in places she’s covered up and concealed. These were deliberate choices on my part, to imply that perhaps Envy’s personal and her public motivations don’t quite align.
And, to really drive home her wealth I gave her little golden hoof covers. When you’re exorbitantly rich, why should your feet even touch the ground?